Hey, I see you. Settle in and make yourself comfortable. You’re most likely here because you’re a mother. I am too. I’m happy you’re here. I’m a wife, a mama of six, a Grana to four, a sister, a daughter, a separate but wonderfully connected human being. I wear many hats as a homeschooler, birth and postpartum doula, sacred space holder, and dance instructor. I bet you have a stack of hats too. I bet those hats change a lot, maybe even within the day. That’s one of the beauties of motherhood. It’s a forever changing story.

I have a heart for motherhood. I love the wild ride of the journey. It’s never the same scenery. While some paths look vaguely familiar, it’s a new and exciting adventure every step of the way. You are growing a human! That’s no feeble task, my friend. When a child is born, so is a mother. Let that sink in. Never before did your unique-self exist. Yes, you may have been a mother before. You may have birthed a child, or maybe you didn’t. Maybe your journey began another way. But before you were a mother you were a different person. Congratulations! You’re fresh, exciting, and new. That in itself is cause for celebration.

Women are social creatures; we need each other. If left alone for too long, self-doubt begins to creep in and steal our joy. No mommy guilt here! There are a million ways to be an amazing mama. Let me say that again…there are a million ways to be an amazing mama. Say it, hear it, claim it, believe it, share it. Mothers need each other to lift us up and remind us of who we really are. We are so much more than spit-up stains, yoga pants, and messy buns. Don’t get me wrong…most days I’m rockin’ my crazy curls, I consider it a great day when I can stay in my pjs, and coffee + wine are considered important food groups.

I’ll remind you that those little people that come with the job are awesome creatures. They’re constantly teaching us, stretching us, challenging us, and unconditionally loving us through this great experiment called motherhood. Those first borns should get a special medal for being our guinea pigs. Yet, just when we think we have it all figured out, those caboose babies sneak a ride on the soul-train and shake-up the whole place. Gotta love those babes! All that to say, babies are wonderful. The kids they grow into are pretty cool. Even the teens are pretty incredible, especially at helping us put feet to the fire we’ve been preaching for the past decade or so. It all comes full-circle when our chicklets are launched and come back to the nest with new babies. The fun, mostly the love, are never-ending.

That’s why we’ll meet here, in this space…to talk shop about motherhood, all stages of it. My hope is that you’ll find a community of support, acceptance, and friendship. Together we’ll celebrate the victories, grieve the losses, and find our footing on everything in between. I will not claim to be an expert, just a fellow mama who’s gone before some of you, gleaning wisdom and experience along the way. I’m happy to share! I’m also constantly learning. I truly believe the foundation of our family’s homeschool, that there’s something to learn in every day and the love of learning is a lifelong pursuit. Won’t you join me? Follow along on Facebook & Instagram. Let’s create our most beautiful motherhood.

2 thoughts on “Most Beautiful Motherhood

  1. Beautiful and insightful, just like you Shannon. Xoxo happy to be here following you.

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